It is our great pleasure to inform you that our Summer School “Unity in Diversity: Local vs. Global” will be held from June 28 to July 2, 2021 in a virtual environment (ZOOM platform).
This year as well, the Summer School is intended for students of master’s and doctoral studies in music, drama, fine and applied arts and art history. All interested students can apply to: marinajmarkovic@gmail.com and marija.masnikosa@gmail.com until Friday, June 25, 2021, to receive the access link.
More details about the JM ARTE Summer School program can be found here.
You can download the poster here.
You can download the presentation here.

Educational, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) awarded and Faculty of Music of the University of Arts in Belgrade by Jean Monnet plaque. The purpose of this plaque is twofold. It serves primarily as a label signifying quality in European integration studies and represents the achievements of Jean Monnet module Music and Art in the Shaping of the European Cultural Identity in this field. At the same time it also provides visibility for the Jean Monnet Action, presenting it as the focal point within and outside our institution for the promotion of European issues.
The course 2017–2018 of Jean Monnet Module Music and Art in the Shaping of the European Cultural Identity starts at Friday 20th October 2017.
At the invitation of the Foundation Tempus Erasmus + Office in Serbia, Prof. Marija Masnikosa and Prof. Ivana Perković participated in the workshop “Development and Registration of Erasmus + Jean Monet Projects”, which was held on December 4, 2017 at the Hotel Metropol Palace in Belgrade. Prof. Perković and Prof. Masnikosa presented their experience in Jean Monnet project work in the part of the workshop dedicated to Jean Monnet projects in the field of art. Their presentation was titled “Musical Identities and European Perspective: an Interdisciplinary Approach – Experience of a Successfully Completed Project”. For more information click at the following link: http://erasmusplus.rs/radionica-razvoj-i-prijava-zan-mone/?langkl=lat.
At the invitation of the Group for Higher Education, Foundation Tempus Erazmus + Office in Serbia, Prof. Marija Masnikosa and Prof. Ivana Perković participated in the Erasmus + Contact Seminar, which was held at the Higher Education Fair on October 17, 2017. Within the presentation “Jean Monnet Module: Music and Art in the Shaping of European Cultural Identity”, prof. Perković and prof. Masnikosa presented their experiences in the application and implementation of the Jean Monnet module (MIDEP / 2014-2017 /), recognized by the Erasmus + Office in Serbia as the “best practice example”, as well as the experience in application of the new Jean Monnet module (ARTE), whose realization began on October 1, 2017. For more information click on the following link: http://erasmusplus.rs/hedufair-2017/?langkl=lat.
Prof. Dr. Marija Masnikosa, academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet module “Music and Art in shaping European Cultural Identity”, took part in the Biennial Jean Monnet Conference “Turning Point for Europe”, held in Brussels on 27 and 28 November 2017. For more information click on the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/education/events/2017-jean-monnet-bico_en.